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Nieuws update van zondag 3 maart

Schat in aarden vaten

3 mrt 2024

Kleinzoon van leider Hezbollah gedood en Jodenhaat neemt alleen maar toe.

Duidelijk column.

Maand van de vrouwen met internationale vrouwendag op 8 maart. Demonstreren voor palestina, een staat wat geen staat is en waar vrouwen mens onterend worden behandeld.

Komt iemand ook op voor deze vrouw?

Helaas een soldaat omgekomen.

Hoe de oorlog kinderen raakt.

Ze was wel heel erg gehecht aan een pop.

2 staten oplossing kan niet het is een beloning na 7 oktober.

Succes Europa en de VS.

Joden zijn niet veilig in Europa of de VS

Hamas moet vernietigd worden.

Amir Tsarfati
Amir Tsarfati
The demand for a ceasefire It is a demand for the elimination of Israel Below is the explanation: When the Luftwaffe (Nazi Germany's air force) carried out the blitz on London - it was a war crime. When the Americans and the British bombed Tokyo, Dresden, Hamburg, Hiroshima and Nagasaki - hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed. But it wasn't a crime. It was necessary to defeat the Nazi axis of evil. When the US went to war on terror and bombed, among other things, Fallujah, Mosul and Raqqa - to defeat Al Qaeda or ISIS - hundreds of thousands of innocent people were killed. It was not a war crime. It was a necessity, although that there was no existential threat to the West. When the leaders of Hamas repeatedly declare the extermination of Jews and take over the world, and go on a killing spree of innocents - Israel is forced to defeat Hamas. Innocents are killed. It is sad in the Gaza Strip as it was sad in Dresden or Mosul. As soon as Israel stops the fire, the axis of evil announces in advance that it will renew the effort to destroy Israel. This is exactly what Razi Hamed, one of the Hamas leaders, stated: "October 7 was only the first time. There will be a second, third and fourth time." So it is not Israel's right to defeat Hamas. This is her duty. Just as it was a supreme moral duty to defeat the Nazis. And a demand for a ceasefire is support for the renewal of extermination efforts. Anyone who would have offered a cease-fire with Germany, without the complete surrender of the Nazis, would have been considered insane. Today he is considered a human rights activist. For the avoidance of doubt, Israel demands a ceasefire, in exchange for the release of the abductees and the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip. But this is not the demand of many Israel haters. They are on the side of the axis of evil and destruction. And that's a shame.

Ik hoop dat Israël de eenheid bewaart want alles wordt gedaan om de staat te vernietigen. Dat was al voor 7 oktober. En ik hoop dat de gijzelaars snel vrij komen.

De tactiek van hamas.

Kleinzoon van Hezbollah leider Nasrallah is niet meer.

Ramadan wordt onrustig.

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